Monday, June 6, 2011

Within the 60 days

We are within the 60 day span before departure.
It is really happening.
Can't wait, so excited, so nervous, so happy, so scared,so adrenalised........!


Thursday, June 2, 2011

General feeling D-day minus 2 months

It is indescribable. There's a cocktail of feelings I didn't expect. It's a mixture of over excitement, anxiousness, curiosity, impatience, and so on... What I wonder the most is the feeling of self-confrontation.
I am definitely ready! After talking about it for almost a year, waiting 2 more months feels like an eternity. We have still so many things to do like being prepared for homeschooling the kids, administrative paperwork, buying practical clothing, luggage, preparing our itinerary more deeply, vaccines, ...
I can't wait and at the same time will miss my family and friends like crazy. I have such a hunger for everyday contact with my circle of friends, it's gonna be pretty therapeutic.