Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sunshine Beach

We moved away from Byron Bay with a new philosophy, no more big plans we're just going to hop from beach to beach, get the kids to body board and enjoy the sea and the beach.
This new philosophy brought us from the Gold Coast to the Sunshine Coast more precisely Sunshine beach. We rented a little apartment fifty meters up from the beach, view on the ocean in this little village next to Noosa. Four restaurants, a grocery store, two bottle shops (one called the thirsty camel) a surf shop and of course a surf club is all the commerce to be found here. The kids and I woke up around seven this morning, they played with scissors, papers, glue and carton for half an hour and I decided to take them out for breakfast.
We took a walk to the beach where a few flags where showing the life guard service being active, and before breakfast we decided to take a swim in the ripping sea, two meter waves right at the surf and the kids having a blast jumping at them.
We didn't even bother bringing towels and they weren't needed. We went for a healthy breakfast, healthy as in peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
The 'boss-missus' finally woke up a few hours later and back to the beach we went for a couple of hours.
Body boarding, castle building swimming and creaming are the major activities for the day.
The current out here is pretty strong it rips to the left today and the kids have difficulties staying close.
I caught a glimpse of Matthews terrorized  face as five waves crashed into him, I rushed to grab a hold of him with vivid memories of me having experienced the exact same thing as a boy; being scared of the seas strength is actually a virtue as far as i am concerned. Matthew shared his fear with me and got of with a good scare and hopefully some wisdom.
A late lunch and a siesta, what a feeling to fall asleep with your kid in your arms.
Today is one of those extremely lazy days were not a worry in the world startles you, hapyness is the predominant feeling and again i must pause to tell myself how blessed we are of being able to grow even closer to each other.
Today I am convinced that doing this trip was amongst the best decisions I have taken in my life, it may not be so tomorrow but it is all about today, and I intend to enjoy this one to the fullest.
The day is ending with the  family watching  Nanny Mc Phee after a decent sushi.
And as we heard in New York by a beggar and as Matthew repeats spontaneously every now and then:
"What a day little people, what a day oh what a daaaayyy!!!"

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