Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Whitsunday Isles (Part 2 End)

We woke up, early, the clouds dissipated made place for bright sunlight emphasized by the white silica of whitehaven.
The next few days were a continuity of visiting islands alternating with diving amongst fish and coral.
Julian mastered the art of snorkeling the hard way, if the ice is melting causing the sea levels to rise Djudju made sure whils mastering this skill that they stay level!
In some spots the fish are so tame that they follow the dingy and when we jump in the water they just come to see us up close. It made me wonder who is looking at who.
On one occasion we had brought a few cereals which lured the fish close to us, Julian jumped when the fish were ticking on his mask because of the food floating around.
For my part I partly overcame my fear of Jaws and didn't here the 'tum tum tum' but ocasionally.
Some bright green and deep blue shells provided us with a spectacle each time Matt or I dove towards them by retracting as we came close and reappearing as soon as we were gone.
Every day was a blessing.
A reality check slipped in with a few problems from the home front but nothing could change the beauty of these few days.
Our skipper managed to drop us in and take us out so we were never surrounded by masses of people.
As I have said before the conversations we had were inspiring and filled with truth and wisdom.
It is interesting how some people touch you in a way, how some people have a way of relating to life in a simplicity that is so obvious to them and make you realize that life is only as complicated as you make it!
Val and I are leaving this vessel wondering what was better, the visiting of the Whitsundays or the conversation we had on board or was it the millions of stars in the sky or the near full moon with Venus on it's left, or the turquoise of the ocean or the waves rocking us to sleep maybe it was the reef and it's fish or the fish Julian caught and we ate or the wall of bait fish that split in two as we swam towards it or maybe life revealed one of it's better facets by combining it all and allowing us to be open enough to see, smell, feel and taste it!

I wish I could fill these pictures with the feelings that came along so you could experience it too.

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