I need to quote my friend Laurent Arnoldi here "India is the most photogenic country in the world".
It is not so much the country that brings us to this, but the people are mesmerizing. They love their photo being taken as much as they love taking photo's of us, they love asking us to take pictures of us as we of them. Everyone from whatever cast, rich or poor exhubes a certain pride when the camera is ready to snap. People will stop whatever they are doing when the light box is in front of them and, usually not to our preference, pose.
Bikaner revealed to be no revelation at all if not that we were happy to stay in an old palace with proper showers.
Having said that the shower looked proper with eight sprays, the kind that start at knee height and end overhead. Once turned on the shower promptly spat in all direction wetting most of the bathroom but leaving me mere humid.
We arrived in Jaisalmer, the golden city. A lazy day at the pool followed the long car day from the previous day. Val went to town with the kids to see sole havelis while I obsessed on finding a solution for my online picture storage.
The afternoon was spent with me and the kids in the fort. Many a narrow alleys packed with shops selling everything and nothing. Djudjudj said he was staying behind with one of the shop keepers while I played dads usual game saying goodbye and hiding behind the corner. How my little one has grown for he never even looked up to see where I was, again I believe it has to do with this genuine goodness and kindness I have experienced and felt here.
So here I was back in the hotel, the chicken tandoori got angry with me eating him cause it was rebelling in my stomach big time. I went to ask for a thyme tea in the restaurant and wast feeling so bad I couldn't stay.
Mom and the kids in the restaurant what followed was a dance of yours truly from sitting on the toilet to kneeling in front of it and back, a dance I used to engage in often in the old days. Our desert camel trip was promptly cancelled on the next morning. Two sick adults me in the stomach, feeling a bit better thanks to the natural remedies I packed from home and Val coming down with a worsening infection in need of a doctor.
Johdpur a four-ish hours away would bring the solution.

Suncity hospital was quite an experience. First take out the dogs and cows and cow shit of the picture, then the sugar cane juicer, the hundred scooters and bicycles including their drivers waiting outside, the open pharmacy filled with people. Then widen the entry doors by ten. Imagine away the rainbow gowned women, the people walking around with printed positives of their x-rays. Now think away the large room partitioned by curtains where everyone is waiting for a doctor that never seems to come and the one doctors office a size of a pocket handkerchief. The bold overweight Jewish looking guy with a camera and the people posing in front of him, the male nurses aren't there either asking him to take a foutouuu of them. Add a few females working in the place and drench it in two zillion liter of antiseptic product and you have a resemblance of a hospital.
Having said that the personel was competent and Val got treated promptly after a few lab test were performed on the spot.
Gandaghar our driver (he really looks like Roger Federers' father) took us to a small guest house where we got a tiny clean room with a huge bed and an extra mattress. Some food at a hip restaurant and of to lala land we were.
Jojdhpur turned out to be better then we expected we visited the amazing fort of which the name escapes me with yet another audio guide, Djudj eager to tell us which number we should go to and press next.
The little market around the clock tower and the hectic main street with it's many a spice shops, the traffic the cows or horses, the scooters and carriages and the endless affluence of people boost no more noises nor business to shun our kids, they just trot along and between, hop out of the way and back on the road as if they were born here, the droppings however are harder to avoid.
Val getting better from the one infection came down with the tourista and all that goes along with it, Matthew is gradualy getting there too, it's seems that, dare I say it, Djudju's common sense in what he is and isn't eating seems to save him from unwanted distorted bowel movements.
We let Val sleep before setting of to Ranakpur, got a huuuge suite in a nice hotel and maid the misses to rest while we took of to a Jain temple.
We were flabbergasted,, this temple built in marble had over one hundred pillars carved with hundreds of figurines.
Needles to say that the pillars provided Matt and Dudj of the necessary hiding spots. They played at, if dad gets a picture of our full face, we're dead, so here I am taking pictures of this temple

On the way out an encounter of the monkeys and our bananas got the kids and the monkeys all excited.
Back at the hotel we went for dinner noticing there was no one in the hotel but us was kinda spooky yet allowed us to make noise as much as we wanted. The three of us played ball, blew balloons, manufactured rainbow colored umbrellas, and made things appear and disappear while waiting for the food and that only using imaginary objects, it allowed us to size and re size every ball we made, every balloon we blew or every stick we bent. Dudj dead tired went to bed before his food got there and Matt and I continued playing for a while before turning in.
We attempted to leave to the city of lakes at nine am, as we attempt to leave around that time every day since 7 months, in vain.
It seems ten thirty is our travel time.