Friday, October 14, 2011


I figured there wasn't much to write about since the last days have been spent in a totally different frame of mind.
It felt like a real holiday, sports in the morning, lots of it, then spending the rest of the day with the only worry being what side to get the sun to hit the body and did I put enough sunscreen on.
The kids are gone the whole day to a camp and we are savoring a well deserved few hours of day time alone or just the two of us!
I am still not sure what the exact situation is but I am pretty convinced the kids spent less time thinking of us then us thinking of them.
Matthews' social abilities are amazing, after a couple of days at the camp we cannot pass a security guard that either says hi to Matt or stops us to say what amazing kids we got. Djudjus' shyness has switched to openness and his English has improved tremendously.
Both are thouroughlyenjoying beeing away from us.
Djudju has been a bit cranky these last evenings and we need to remind ourselves that he is the one dictating our rhythm and not the opposite. Days starting at seven in the morning and ending past ten at night are not something to continue for over a week, Djudju reminded us of that the hard way!
Kauai is an amazing island it is green green green, nature here is amazing from giant ferns to endless coconut trees, mango trees at every corner, eucalyptus; paradise birds looking in something resembling a rockabilly's or punks hair, crane birds creme and yellow, it is no effort to imagine dinosaurs walking around this place. All this and then the Ocean with huge waves revealing shades of blue green and turquoise as they break just befor hitting the shores. Green turtles along the shores, amidst the surfers and occasional short local showers creating rainbows of colors so vivid it even gets the locals to stare again. It is no wonder why filmmakers choose this place to show it's wonders.

A short flight took us to Honolulu where we had the privilege of swimming with a dolphin.
I have swam with dolphins before but never have I been so impressed with what Kolohe (Rascal) a thirteen year old male had to give.
This dolphin was so tame and giving you could just about do anything with him. His patience and calmth was unbelievable, being waiting on his back or just being still among us was so impressive and it all seemed and felt to be done in such a loving way. Dolphins are amazing creatures.
A little wink to Courtney who playfully lured Julian who, scared and stubborn as he can be wasn't going to even feed Kolohe from a distance, ended up touching and caressing him with a big smile.

In Conclusion...

I am amazed by the vastness, the beauty, the diversity, the USA has to offer. I had forgotten that this country is more then Miami, LA, NYC and Vegas. This country holds natural treasures that are stunning and I feel though we have done quiet a bit of miles out here, that we have only skimmed bits and pieces of what this country has to offer.
Our list as far as the USA goes is far from being ticked of as done.

Just a few more US pics before we hit Oceania (Click Here)


  1. wat een mooie beschrijvingen alweer, ik zie het zo voor mij! 'k Ben heel jaloers, hier achter mijn bureautje in het grauwe Brussel (hoewel het vandaag wel meevalt, de zon schijnt hier, maar de zomer is definitief voorbij, brrrr, tijd om de winterjassen boven te halen). Geniet er nog van, en blijf die sappige verhalen neerschrijven, ze zijn écht de moeite om te lezen!
    Groetjes, Hanne

  2. met veel plezier gelezen en genoten van de foto's. hier is alles ok. dikke kus aan alle 3.
