Sunday, October 2, 2011

Misty PCH early LA

A day atthe swimming pool for Mum and the boys and a meeting and groceries for me is what the day looked like.
Sure is good todrive a regular size car, I feel light and free.
My back is aching at night and its tough for me to get proper rest but let that be my only worry.
Drove to San Francisco this AM over the half misty Golden Gate Bridge, the weather in Petaluma was hot and sunny and we didn't bring any sweaters, boy did we wish we had in this SF mist.
I was here about fifteen years ago at a time where pier 39 and Fisherman's' Wharf was a place where you could see seals and get a crossing to Alcatraz. Needless to say that the place has been exploited into a tourist attraction of size, and after breakfast a juggling show and evryone but me beeing hooked up to an aromatherapy breather I got fed up. Maybe after all this nature part of my need for simplicity took over and the feeling I had was basically one of I am loosing my time here. Having said that Val and the kids were having a good time so I went to look at the seals while they commerced arround.
We drove through SF and after a brief walk in the Japanese Tea Garden and a drive through Haight we decided to get back to the heat of Petaluma.
In need of gettingonwedecided to hit the road the next afternoon after anothers day rest by the pool.
We drove through SF to hit PCH aka Highway 1, the mistnever left us since.
We drove for a long time to get to Marina a campground that is located on the beach side, also on the highwayside.
A restless night and on we went to Pebble Beach, and Carmel all in the mist.
We drove until two PM and decided to get to Pismo Beach, still in the mist, grumpy, Matthew contemplating the possiblity of getting to LA soon we decided to push through for what became a twelve hour drive to LA.
The GPS took us of the PCH for thirtyminutes inland and the sun and temperature came back to us; as soon as we drove past Santa Barbara the mist of the coast was back and the temperature dropped.
So departing this Am at nine we finally got to Anaheim at nine.
The kids went for a swim at the campground while I prepared a few steaks on the BBQ.
What we didn't know is that we were about two hundred meters from Disneyland and on the dot at ten the fireworks went of for what seemed to be an endless show.
Happy kids came to eat steak, we put them inthe back of the RV with the ipad and started cleaning out the RV.
It's amazing how much stuff we gathered in six weeks.
Three big American size trashbags later and at least twenty upsand towns to the neighbours trailer to getrid of stuff we didn't want anymore and he was more then glad to have we finally went to bed.
The kids exhausted we not less it was a one Am good night.
Eight a clock the next day, double check the trailer fill it up clean it up book a rental car, give the trailer back, check it, pay for the dammage I didn't even knew I did, get the rental car driveto the hotel and conclude that six weeks of RVing was enough for now(the weather did play a role) we are in North Holywood in a nice hotel at the pool,we have a room with a normal bed, the kidshave their room in our room with bunkbeds, and we are all welcoming the change.
Tomorrow chill then Universal Studios and to SanDiego to get the kids all excited and tired with amusement parks.

Universal was amazing, as a matter of fact i don't know who enjoyed it more the kids or the adults, everything apart from King Kong 4D 360°, where I suppose Julian mixed up real and fiction, and the house of horrors where people keep jumping at you and Val was happy Matt wanted to bail out was just unbelievably good. The long day ended with both the kids having a go in a wind tunnel.
I think it's a day that will stay in their memory forever.
We'll ignore the fact that Julian spilled his drink over his pants once over his new bought bathing suit second, and that the food was extremely slow, the half naked samba dancers did ease the pain(a bit).

Of to sea world we went after a morning of sunbathing and jumping in and out of the pool.

I still get amazed by seeing these majestuous killer wales swim, although I did get the same feeling I get when i see birds in a cage at the zoo.
The whale and dolfin show was amazing, I had no pitty seeing the sharks in the aquarium, was amazed and again sadened at seeing the beluga whales.
The kids had a blast.
Legoland was a A one activity for Djudj, everything or so it seems was designed around ages four to seven, and Matt though used to much more exciting rides enjoyed himself thoroughly aswel.

You must notice that my writing seems a bit in a hurry when it comes to describing the more touristy things and I looked at myself and found that I get so much more in touch with me when I am close to nature, I get so much more excited emotionally on the inside in a manner that I can only describe as truthfull and spiritual. It doesn't take away that we had a blast and that the kids "seem" more waowed by the theme parks, maybe that will be what they will talk about, but i can assure you that the hapiness on their faces and the sense of well being was incomparable while in the midst of nature.
I am telling you this sitting in my five star hotel after a walk in Santa Monica yet to say that I feel complete here as I did next to the sequoia's, the turquoise lakes, the mountains, forests, deserts, misty coast, endless dunes, bears, elks, buffalo's and deer would be lying to myself.
I feel I have learned yet another bit about my needs as a human being, and I hope I will keep this lesson when I get back to my daily routine.

I feel we are ending a chapter of our trip, the next ten days being just a luxury holiday(no I am not complaining).

On to the land of Oz we will soon depart after visiting a few islands on the way!

Thank you to all of you who leave comments to my writings, it is greatly apreciated and beeing away from your close ones it sure feels good to read you; thank you to all of you who read me and don't leave comments I can see through my blog stats that some of you do, don't be shy drop us a note.

I'll put some more pics up soon


Location:North Holywood


  1. Note: I miss you guys, but...
    it feels good to hear you are doing fine and having a blast. I dreamed that you were going to put a new blog and look... I found a brand new one this morning. It becomes a habit to read you and when you don't post anything for awhile I am missing that. Ask Matt; Est-ce que le mouton a mangé la rose?? i read the book and it is lovely. Why did I wait so long before reading it. it took me 1,5 hour... Enjoy the islands. I am planning a holiday around january , february, march so...... would be nice, to come and be the babysitter for a week or two :)

    Love you...

  2. Hoi wereldreizigers!

    Ja ik ben één van de mensen die jullie blog gretig leest, maar nog nooit een comment achterliet ;-). Het is fantastisch om via je blog een beetje mee te reizen, je schrijft super! Grappig ook hoe je Vals en de kids reacties beschrijft, heel herkenbaar! :-) Doe zo voort, 'k ben zeer benieuwd hoe jullie het zullen stellen bij de Aussies, naar het schijnt een supersympathiek volk.

