You can say whatever you want but since the first time in six month the kids are taken care of from nine am to nine pm with an hour and a half to wash them at 5. What a relief on everyone's end.
They craved age peers and activities as much as we craved peace and quiet.
Matthew and Julian are having a blast whether it's Matt showing of on stage or Djudj climbing on the trapeze they are both open to any action coming there way. Lots of Asians especially Chineese here and Julian in his usual discrete approach manages to conquer all no matter what nationality, he mingles so easily and does it so unobtrusively.
Everyone knows Matt who talks and speaks to just about anyone (wonder who he's got that from).
We can finally hear each other think, have a talk without having to watch say or run anywhere. We are having a reaaaaal holiday. A much needed re-charge of batteries.
Now this may sound bizarre to some of you, traveling is fantastic, taking a year of is great but boy does it drain you energy to pack unpack move on and on all the time and that without mentioning the constant attention we have to give one another other even when we give each other space.
I suppose one of the things I learned is, although I never realized it before, how much time one needs alone in order to re-orden and look at one self in order to get a bit of perspective.
This week has been close to that and although I am blessed with a family that gives me space at times, I crave a spiritual retreat of some sort, I know Val feels the same way and can actually see the kids going through exactly that due to the fact that they are not together nor with us.
We are recharging our batteries to move on in our years adventure, we are slowly getting the into start exploring again moodas opposed to the heaviness that resided five days ago where no destination seemed to trigger anything.
I am having some tummy problems, funny enough I had a European breakfast this morning instead of an asian noodle soup...
Big day on the thirteenth for those who know what I am talking about, I called up the crew and was promised a cake, is it the irregularity of attendance that gets me psyched I don't know, but I am grateful to all who have contributed to who I am today either by support, knowledge, joy or aggravation.
Thank you and thanks to that Power taking care of me and my family.
Congrats H. CU soon and enjoy. Aowe tennispartner xxx ( à moins que tu pèses 100 kg :-) )
ReplyDeleteWho is this?
DeleteAlthough Matt didn't see me all that much I know he has it from me... :)
ReplyDeleteIt is great to read you but most of all it is great to read your spiritual journey. xxx Love you and miss you!