Friday, August 26, 2011

Crisis what crisis! - The crisis is Over or is it!

Part 1

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHH!......!......!......!" She shouted,

"Je n'en peux plus, si ca continue je rentre a Anvers", she said, after finding the tiniest bug who may or may not have bitten her and doing a hysteric dance as if anything of the sort may help. "Je veux pas me faire bouffer par des bêtes" her plea went on.

Of course the kids heard her and though while watching a movie on the ipad was quiet, all of a sudden it's "gratte in the Camper" a horror story or a thriller I can't decide.

Myself I am not complaining about anything though a massage a lobster and a hammam would be nice.

We celebrated Matts B-day ("Hen je n'en peux plus et toi tu t'en fou t'as rien") by taking him white water rafting, well Val did while I went scenic floating on a river with Djudj.

After seeing about 6 bald eagles, a few Canadian geese and some other birds, Uma Thurman and Harrison Fords Ranch, Djudj and I went to visit Jackson Hole, a village that resembles much of the Villages you can find in the Alps, ("ru ne te rends pas compte comme on souffres Hen, tu ne te rends pas compte") to find ourselves in a little dead end street, much like you would find in the south of France, to sit down and eat a Yam Woon Sen or a Thai angel hair dish followed by, in the next littlestand a decaf expresso machiato for me and a chic/banana shake for djudj.

We met Matt and Val at the Japaneese.

What a break from deep fried meat and bbq.

Got Matt a HD Jackson Hole t shirt and back to Grand Teton, a stop on top of Signal Mountain revealing a breathtaking view of the whole area and a stop at the local restaurant where all the waiters came at our table to sing Happy B-day to Matt and the day ended with our now eight year old son telling us this was the best birthday ever.

Early wake up to a lazy day at yellowstone.

Booked a rv place for today and tomorrow night and decided on having a 'hang day'.

Siesta, fishing trip, Matthew and Djudj steering the boat at full throttle, Val steering while we were fishing and after 3 cathes of cutthroats and a bbq oh yes and a few hysterical moments in the Camper we finally settled and went to bed, this is live writing, the courtisone cream came out and settled it out.

We're such a city people it puts a smile on my face.

Nor djudju nor me seems to understand what the fuss is all about.

I wonder whats next when the misses comes to bed, I am going to sleep smiling.

Part 2

Lazy day, late breakfast today 8:45am

Djudj is dead tired, and went back to bed at 11am, Val joined him.

Matthew and I stopped at 'Old Fatithful' a geiser that spouts every 25 minutes for 9 minutes. The main atraction though was a chipmunk that was cheeckily looking at the crowd, astonished at what all the people were coming to do there or did he just want to be the center of the atraction.

Matthew has a problem grasping the idea of the geiser, he is confused about the fumes and the spouting and the temperature of the water.

On we went to see the magic of volcanic activity, paint pot fountain with its muddy bubblies and sulfery colours, after checking in to the campground on we went for a steep walk to the magical 'lower waterfalls'.

A great campground shower, loooong shower and a great dinner at the gourmet Resataurant (thats prime rib and potatoes) and another weary night.

3:30am the noise of rain on a campers roof resembles the ticking noise of against a plastic blind times hundred.

4:00 am Matthew hit Julian, Julian is crying. Val gets up I am awake.

4:15 am the kids are laughing (fou rires) we are awake wondering why

4:30 am lightning, thunder so loud the ground is shaking, the kids 'surprisingly' are sleeping quietly.

6:00 am we were supposed to wake up to see Moose, wolves and bears,

I knocked it off and we woke up a 8:30

Part 3

Muffins warmed up on a fire made by a discharged space shuttle technician and a anti cancer radiation tech. Matt was facinated by the shuttle stories.

On the road to see the 6am animals by 10am.

Heards of hundreds of bisons on our way up, ground squirrels tame and as if waiting for people to arrive like little parairy dogs the one calling as if to say 'treats' and 5-6 of them arriving. Djudju hand feeding them the crusts of his sandwich he didn't want to eat while Matt is petting one on he back.

We are so much on bison teritory that they decuded to create a mini traffic jam by crossing the road. They look harmless but we were warned, apparently so was the cyclist who hurried to the back of a truck and then the other as the bison were aporaching.

A swim in the new campground pool and a good meal puts an end to yet another great day of closeness to nature. By the way, good to be back online for as long as it lasts. Its been a few days and it's the first time I feel the nostalgia, for my loved ones in Belgium.

Pictures will follow soon there are so many to choose from.

I am to tired to re read what I wrote so if I made typo's well........!


  1. Hi Hen,
    Nice to read and follow you. I feel a little bit closer to you when I start reading in the evening before I go to bed. You all look so happy and i'm sure it isn't only looking happy :) you are... Glad to hear I am not the only one, who screams when bugs cross my path! Give a big hug to your lovely family and yes...I miss you xx

  2. Geysers, lakes, mountains, volcanoes, thunderstorms, starlit nights, bugs... Nature
    You tell the story so well :)
    Be well

  3. Vous êtes trop!! A mourir de rire toutes vos histoires, on a un plaisir fou à les lire!

    Tout gros kiss de nous tous! Miss you!

    Take care&have fun

  4. Hi lovely people!!!

    Nu zijn we mentaal terug in België en ik moet hiklachen met jullie verhalen. En zoete herkenning.
    Sweet sweet Val, ik gil ook. I hate anything that is smaller than my pinky finger :-)
    Hen, je schrijft héél mooi.
    We hebben je deze week gemist. Mortsel ain't the same.
    love from our family to yours

  5. Hey Hen.. Just got back from our first family holidays .. and one of my first thoughts was to call you .. and there you were: away and still traveling.. and then I felt it too, the loving empty space you left when you embarked on your journey. I find your writings really good and vivid and honest .. just as you are :) Great stories and what a ride it seems. Love to the mischpoche from all of us here in Brussels suburbia. PS: I would love it if they could serve me a decaf double expresso machiatto down the road here but we still have alot to learn.
