Friday, August 5, 2011

D - Day

Ok then...D Day is here.

We've been screaming, shouting, crying, laughing, coughing, sweating, packing, fighting, checking, screaming, re-checking, crying, tagging and we'll probably repeat the ritual in about 5 hours just before we're off to the airport, but hey it's for a good cause ....... OURS!
We're off to the big apple after a last minute small change of schedule on wednesday morning.
My friends wife (we were going to spend the week there after two days NY), is due early so ...
re-schedule the whole first week.
Add a last visit to the hospital due to lung probs on my part, getting the extra set of wheels for my sold jeep, selling the jeep and a trip to the telephone shop and I guess that was enough to get through the day in stress and rush and get to the point of screaming, shouting, crying, laughing, coughing, sweating, packing, fighting, checking, screaming, re-checking, crying, tagging!

All well now found a way to connect to my Higher Power and calm the F@•# down and going to bed exhausted but incapable of sleeping.

Matthew described it beautifully, it's a feeling of excitement mixed with some kind of sad feeling I can't really describe!

This is but a mere see you later not a goodbye!


  1. dus is de dag aangebroken dat jullie op wereldreis zijn;
    ik zal je reis volgen en zend jullie dikke kusjes

  2. Les premières frustrations, début d'une longue série...

    Ben merde alors hier soir c'est à dire le jour de votre départ, je mourrais d'envie de parler à Val....
    Première frustration!
    J'avoue j'ai essayée le G belge mais j'pige pas la connexion ne se faisait pas...
    Deuxième frustration!
    Je réessaye mais je suis interrompue par luc qui arrivait de ses 11heures de route et donc je devais l'aider à décharger le voiture
    Troisième frustration!

  3. Poep, je t'aiiiiiime!!!!!!!!!!!
