Tuesday, August 9, 2011

NYC (2)

After a day in Philly riding the AmTrak to visit cousins, and a stop at the touch me museum (boys I know what you're thinking), a
you can touch everything museum for toddlers. It's back to the Big Apple.
We had our 3rd in a row Japanese take out at the hotel and went to bed.

Woke up at a normal hour 7AM, the kids are at full throttle this morning.

Breakfast: Bagel with lachs and cream, fresh orange juice, french toast, sunny sides up, we're all on a new diet.

There is something magical about Central park.
I suppose it's a mixture of squirrels, greens, water in the midst of the huge concrete and glass towers surrounded by yellow cabs, that brings upon one a feeling of, I am in the middle of nature, it's an astounding break of the buzz of the never resting Apple. Add a tiny Chinese guy singing Italian opera with a mouth that opens bigger then crater, a black Gandalf in full attire, and a 5 crew Dixie Band and your hypnotized by what this city offers you.

Matt just took his 47th picture of a squirrel I stopped counting a while ago.

The kids are climbing rocks Julian starts crying 1mt from the top as if he was going to fall and splatter to the floor, the rocks are 2mt high.

In a cab to China Town Julian falls asleep, Matthew too, siesta at the hotel.

Tonight boat to Miss Liberty then Japanese take out for a change.

Amazing how many people walk around Time Square on a Monday eve 10PM, it's totally back to the buzz, Central Park is around the corner in place and time but it seems so far away from here.
We just past a guy holding a sign saying "Keeping it real, want to buy weed" begging for money.
Julian is to tired to walk, lets take a cab and go to sleep.

Matthew breaks a glass in the bathroom, thank God for room service.
Japanese as good as the days before.
Kids fell asleep in less then half a second, wife is angry cause she cant sleep while I write on the blog.
Had a great day with the family despite a few wrong decisions for the kids comfort.

Check out the pics


  1. I love tha way you write a daily/weekly report, good to know where you guys at and it looks like you guys are having a blast!
    you've been gone for 4 days now, and i miss you all like hell, but i'm happy for y'all!
    Enjoy life and keep your heads up, and don't you worry about me, by knowing that you amuse yourself, I have the strength to pull myself through this period, I love you.

  2. Hi guys,

    Glad to have talked to you earlier and to hear that UPS kept its promise and that shipment arrived like it was supposed to!

    I must say that while reading your post I started to feel the "NYC Drooling Syndrome" coming up very strongly!

    Like Enrico said above, you left 4 days ago and it feels like an eternity :-(

    Love ya'll

  3. les pics sont top! Hen quelle belle amélioration, essaye juste d'être moins schive...;-)
    j'aime bcp les ambiance de ville, les gens de rue on peut voir à travers ça ton regard sur le votre début de voyage... géniale!
    j'adore la pic de val au musée (la floue)
    super super super

  4. Love the way you write, the way you take us along on your journey, pure, real , funny, human, beautiful....Seems like you're off to a great start, hope it all continues to go that smoothly...xxx
    Eliane (need a nickname badly)
