Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dunes Trees and Giants

We kind of whizzed through Oregon the last three days partially because of the weather, partially because we are obsessed with getting to California.
I suppose that is one of our defects this idea that things will be better at a certain point although there is n real evidence it will be, yet some how when it finally gets there the fact of having had a goal finally allows your head to click back in the right frame of mind.
Oregon has a beautiful coastline from monoliths standing tall into the sea to endless dunes, cute villages with golden sands and that infinite vue of the Pacific that just doesn't stop amazing me.

We had a long drive to Newport after a stay at Cannon Beach a cute little town period (people seem to make quite a fuss about it).
We got to an extremely well quoted RV park according to our guide, this for us to understand that the guide is just something you want when you are looking for clean showers full hook up and a laundrette. The place was horrible a parking although the vue of the bridge was quite impressive. The idea was to be close to Newport Aquarium and we were a stone throw away.
First thing in the morning I found a spot at a local chiropractor who was at walking distance. I have been waking up with lower back pains for a few nights. After a manipulation and a few cracks, a well known pain you know is going to end up doing you good, he concluded that it probably is the extended amount driving that caused my condition.
I walked back to the RV feeling partially better.
The Newport Aquarium was a treat for all of us.

Matthew and I purchased behind the scene and feed the octopus tickets and Djudj stayed with Val.
After a brief look at the installation Matt got to feed some fish causing a feeding frenzy and touch and feed the Ocean Octopus, quite an experience.

A few hours later we parked in a National Forest campground, no hook ups but full on Nature in a half wood half dune kind of place.
We took a long walk round the sandy trails. Djudj picked up some short sticks and starting naming them and talking to them, that was one of my goals during this trip get the kids imagination to bloom instead of stimuli like TV PC or Video games.
A few names of djudj 's collection "Rouet Pilaf, Rouet Pilune, Rouet Picon, le mechant and the gun called Piouuw".
His bubble lasted for the whole walk which must have been about ninety minutes.
A fire, steaks and salads, to be eaten inside the Missus said, and the boys and I went back out for marshmallows.
We did have a fantastic encounter with a couple in their seventies who sold everything and while talking to them told Val that they are camping and what we are doing is RVing. They were celebrating their one year tent camping next week and A thing that Val and I took with us is the following; Harry told us: " Our kids are grown up, we always traveled and got our kids camping, what's the point of having the same neighbor for thirty years, why settle down when traveling brings you so much.

Long driving day yesterday, taking us close to the Californian boarder, so close,we realized the next day that CA was only 20 minutes away.

Heavy breakfast 'a l'Americaine' three french toast topped with warm strawberries and sauce for each and the kids shared a regular breakfast consisting of two pancakes, two eggs and two strips of bacon.
Workout on the Harris Beach climbing a few monoliths and paying around with giant algues, lunch in one of the most bizarre diners ever, a second hand vintage shop serving tea in porcelain cups with golden spoons, the shop packed with all kids of junk with two table in the middle draped by a flowery napkin my mum would adore all the shop in tints of white, mauve and pink pastels and a serving of delicious home made soup.

The Californian border turned out to be a good thing, sun again and an unforgettable trip to the mystery trees in Redwood Forest.
Trees of a width I didn't know existed. Trees that had trees growing on them up to seven trees growing on one tree. Trees over two hundred feet.
Once again, how small we are compared to Nature.
We are so small we mean so little but we 'ego' so much.

I am peaceful again close to nature, in a national park surrounded by these endless trees. These Natural surroundings bring me so much peace, it brings me back to the though of how far away we are from all that back home.
A saddening feeling that fills me with joy for the trips to come after this one.

Woke up early this morning with back ache while the whole camper was asleep and decided to go for a run.
This turned out to be one of the strongest emotional experiences I have had since we got here.
I started of in the campground an open space in the middle of the slowly waking forest sunlight vaguely piercing through the rising mist the tree tops still unclear but starting bo show.
I wandered of on a trail and started following the 'Nature Trail' of elk creek not knowing how long it was.
I did feel a little apprehensive amidst the trees and the unknown noises having just read a rabies warning but soon the peace of these sequoia giants slowly transpired to me and I ran this trail looking up in awe at these forty stories high mastodonts with trunks as large a four men holding hands in a circle.
A peace and joy filled me, I have never experienced Nature on such an emotional level and I cannot describe how these trees touched me deep inside.
The experience was to be repeated after breakfast, mind you a little noisier with the kids. We walked a trail that should have taken us an hour took a wrong turn and ended up walking for about three.
Not once did the kids complain about the length of the walk, they jumped on, in under the trees and the only way I can explain this is that although unaware consciously of the energy these old Giants transpire they were under their spell as were we.
An improvised brunch on our pick nick table at three in the afternoon a lay in the sun and back on the road towards the PCH.
A insignificant but needed laundry stay at a practical camping and a passage through Eureka a bizarre little town and to the sea we traced.
Arrived at the coast after too long a drive, we are spending the evening indoor at home, yes at home. Val and I writing our blog the kids playing games on ipad and nintendo a well deserved break.
Chicken soup and lokshn on the menu tonight.

Pics - Picture - Pictures


  1. well done folks,especially loved the walk under the old trees that filled me with joy...Big Hug for the family <3


  2. Hi family,

    Great post but the one phrase that touched me = :

    "We are so small we mean so little but we 'ego' so much. "

    Enjoy California that I love so much.

