Friday, September 9, 2011


Vancouver is a city that's hard to get a grasp on. It is a heap of different area's with each it's different moods and feels.
Vancouver without a car isn't that easy to visit, the fact that we set our asses in a good hotel, the good beds, the bath, swimming pool, the Japanese restaurants in abundance around us and the sudden realization of how tired we actually are after the two thousand six hundred miles of  driving and being together twenty four seven, might play a role in our laziness to visit in depth.
Having said that we did make it to Granville the 'arty' part of the peninsula and got ourselves a couple of hang mats. The kids loved taking the boat across even if it only took five minutes.
We also rented a tandem and two bikes Djudj as a big boy peddling so hard behind me that I could sometimes stop peddling myself. A short trip ended up beeing a three hour bike tour with the only complaint we heard was 'jai faim'.
Matthew lost his sunglasses and after his haircut, his missing front tooth and his new children sized Ray Ban he looks like the voyou he really is.
China town gave us as conclusion, why did we bother going there if we're going to be in china anyway.

We sort of decided to make it to Japan despite what we decided at first, hopefully we'll be able to fit it in for the cherry blossom.

All in all Vancouver was a luxury break, I'm not sure I really want to continue in the Camper; i guess being sedentary for a while gives you the opportunity to center, so  it's the constant moving I am apprehensive about now.

I suppose the next few month are going to be more of a road trip where as starting on the Asian continent will allow us to get into a more balanced way between seeing and feeling.
A road trip is great but  feel and soul you get from it is one of places and not of people, and i guess my needs are going more towards the spirituality people bring, rather then places.
Having said all that these are no complaints just realizations of my needs and the direction I feel we should aim at.
Back on the road tomorrow onwards to Seatle.


  1. H looks like Yoda.


  2. j'adooooooore,
    est-ce parce que nous avons vécu des moments tellement similaires il y si peu de temps?
    est-ce parce que par ce que vous nous manquez?
    est-ce parce que c'est tellement bien (d)écrit?
    un peu de tout I guess....

  3. J imagine tellement bien que vous ayez envie de vous poser de rencontrer des gens de vous centrer sans courriez tout prix vers un autre point du voyage... Faites le poser vous
    Et skyper nous ça au moins c'est sur ça va vous remettre au centre de votre hass ;-) non de dju !!!!

  4. Hi all. What a wonderful lifetime adventure. I don't want to tease but have you been to Alaska???????????? well we have so stick a pin on your world map as your next destination. We are leaving on 4/10 to Vienna and continue to Antwerp to be with Suzan. Love Zuki and Bobby
