Monday, September 12, 2011


We all had more or less the same feeling as we boarded our 32 feeter, this is home. Funny enough feeling after being in the luxury for a while, not that I despise it on the contrary, but getting to the RV was like getting back to the safe haven the anchor, the only constant point in our traveling life, our little nest.
Being a cancer that need of a nest is pretty normal to me and same is true for Djudj but I couldn't help but notice we all were in line on this.
Having said that the next 2 days were looooong drives for little distance covered. Not much to say apart from the fact that home schooling has really started. The drive to Ocean city, WA was a total misjudgement on my part.
It is pretty amazing how in such a short lapse of time, five weeks, our perception on certain things has changed.
Distance for example has a totally different meaning here, driving for a couple of hours or even four or five hours Has become something normal.
The kids adapt so quickly they don't even complain anymore, you just get the question of how far away are we, and on a two hour response they shrug and continue as if it were the most normal thing.
The evening show is not a television program but a look at the sunset, the stars, a few stories around the campfire or good meal.
Just getting out fora walk down trails or tossing a ball on the beach becomes a great pleasure.
I can't help but tell myself how much of that feel of simplicity and nature we as a family lack in our home country, and I guess there is something we can take home with us and work on.
So tonight I am reflecting on the simplicity of the things we enjoy today, the beauty of nature the Love I get constantly from my two sons and wife and I am grateful for what I have today.
Today I do not want what I have not, I want what I already have.


  1. it's nice to hear that your enjoying the simple things in life, nature, a walk in the forest, a good meal, etc...
    I miss you all!

  2. Hi guys,

    Good to hear that you are in a space of mind where you can go back to the basics and enjoy the beauty we often don't see anymore, we even forget it exists! Take every second to absorb this beauty.. I'm so happy for you guys. I'm surprised that while you share that you enjoy at the point of ecstasy, you also question what to do in Australia?! You also mentioned more than once that the camper is home and that is a kind of structure while on the road, for all of you. By reading and feeling at a distance how much you enjoy the camper and the stops with your home on wheels... the answer seems natural to me but you know what... you are the only ones that know what is good for you.. I just wanted to pick your brain. Love you guys and miss you at a point you can't even imagine! Be safe!

  3. Bon ça y est j'en suis sure en Inde tu pètes en câble ! Vous rentrerez plus....
