Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Nothing special to report today apart from grey weather light rain and sighting of a whale. Some amazing views of the oregon seaside and a fantastic breakfast at Lazy Suzan who wasn't there 'cause she's too lazy. We arrived at Newport late and are staying in a clean but Horrrrrible RV parking next to the Newport Aquarium. Depressing weather horrible parking under a bridge but four happy people in their togetherness. Peace!


  1. Ici pluie pas de pont mais radio judaica ce matin pour ma chronique foodies by magic wakame sur la semaine slow Food en belgique du 19 au 25 sept www.gouterbruxelles.be et rentrée des classes en hébreu ce soir en kita' beth sur 8 niveaux j'ai le temps de voir venir....

    Je rêve d un Sejour en rv tellement j'en ai marre ;-) aaaaaaaarrrrrggggggggg

  2. Hi lovely people,

    Ik heb Val gesmst, maar dat kwam niet aan??? We missen jullie erg.
    We volgen jullie blog met veel herkenning en erkenning.
    Love you a lot
    B safe
    enne: eat, pray and love
